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Rock Nbb
Eqipo NBBROCK!: Pris, Daniel, Hada y Ruth! YEAH!
07 de Abril, 2009 · General

Just a Girl, Letra + Descarga!!!

Perdón x no ponerla antezç
pero bueno, aqui les
dejo esta genial canción,
me encanta!!

al fin vacaciones!!!
parece que tendre un
poco mas de tiempo
para publicar en el blog

no he encontrado la de
Flying Away completa
pero la estoy buscando
encuanto la encuentre
la voy a publicar =D


I will try not to fall in love again
But I dont know if I can
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
I cant get her out of my head
Maybe later things will change
But for now,
Shes just a girl I know and nothing more
Shes just a girl I know and nothing more
Shes just a girl I know and nothing more
I cant get her out of my head
Maybe later things will change
But for now,
Shes just a girl I know and nothing more
Shes just a girl I know and nothing more
Shes just a girl I know and nothing more
Shes just a girl I know and nothing mo-oh-re
I will try not to fall in love again
But I dont know if I can
Cause youre irresistible
But for now,
Shes just a girl I know and nothing more
Shes just a girl I know and nothing more
Shes just a girl I know and nothing more
Shes just a girl I know and nothing more
Oh oh ohh-oh Woh what a girl
Oh what a girl to me
But I must remember
Shes a girl I know and nothing more
Shes just a girl I know and nothing more
Shes just a girl I know and nothing more
Shes just a girl I know and nothing more
Shes just a girl I know and nothing more
Shes just a girl I know
Shes just a girl I know
And nothing more
A girl I know and nothing more
A girl girl girl girl girl girl girl girl
Girl girl girl girl girl gilr girl girl girl
Girl I know, Girl I know, Girl I know, Girl I know
Just a girl

Link de Descarga:

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publicado por karinat48 a las 01:22 · 4 Comentarios  ·  Recomendar
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si tienes razon nbb es la mejor banda del mundisimo
publicado por nat_love, el 21.04.2009 17:44
me encanto esaaa cancionnnnnnn
aiiiii qeeee lindaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
publicado por saramaria, el 26.04.2009 01:38
nat es el mehor LO AMO y es la mejor banda del MUNDO:))))))
publicado por Jhade, el 04.09.2009 20:13
me encAnta esa cancion as de cuenta que llo soy la chica misteriosa y eso me encanta bueno es punto es que llo lo amo mas que a mi bida

publicado por Paloma nathaniela guadalupe arissa, el 17.09.2009 21:46
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